Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Job, New Coast!

Yes, the news is in the title. I was offered a new job and now I've moved back to the west coast!!
A few quick bits before I go into detail

It's with a startup: HotelTonight
I'm working in Partner Development as a Sales Coordinator
It's in San Francisco
I spent last week driving across the country...

And now I am so incredibly happy!

So, a little background on where this all came from...

As time was progressing, I considered my opportunity with NCCER, and the reality came to me that while I am passionate about an educated craft workforce, I am not passionate enough about the construction industry to make it my career and my life.

An avid reader of start-up and technology news, one day I came across an article "Top Startups to watch out for of 2011" and among the companies listed I saw HotelTonight. Giddy, I looked into the company, downloaded the iPhone app and because I loved the philosophy and work the company was setting out to do (encourage spontaneous travel, awesome) I looked into job opportunities.

With an application letter like none I've written before and a resume that boasted the color green and varying gray font, I sent in my somewhat spontaneous and fun application with hope for an opportunity.  And behold, a week later I had a phone interview with a Berkeley grad who finished her undergrad degree the same year I did. After a fun conversation, the invite to a San Francisco interview was secured!

The interview was 2 hours of fun, and a few weeks later I was offered a position.  It turned out that while the original job I applied for wasn't the best fit, they had been thinking of another position that wasn't yet created, and after meeting me they decided that I would be an ideal candidate to be the first one to figure it out!

So, with an offer in San Francisco, I of course moved as soon as possible. My dream job after college was to be with a startup, developing and creating something new, in San Francisco. While I didn't make it right after graduation, Florida was a great stepping stone that got me to where I ultimately want to be.

Day one working and living in the city is now complete and I couldn't be happier!